what we do

accommodation and protection for vulnerable asylum seekers
As of 2016, Iliaktida provides refugees and applicants of asylum with more than 600 accommodation places in Lesvos, originally as a partner of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and, consequently, of the Ministry of Migration and Asylum.
Furthermore, during the winter of 2016, Iliaktida acted on emergencies by providing 600 additional temporary shelter spaces in hotels, in aid of shielding the beneficiaries from the weather conditions.
Nowadays Iliaktida continues to support vulnerable groups of asylum seekers by offering housing within the city or the broader residential area, under the ESTIA 2021 Program. The purpose of the program is the provision of good living conditions and supportive services (e.g. psychological counselling services, transportation services, support with their medical needs and administrative procedures, etc.) to applicants of international protection by providing functional and suitable homes.
accommodation and protection on Lesvos
Accommodation places
Accommodation units
accommodation and protection in Kilkis
Accommodation places
Accommodation units
Funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund of the European Union

protection and accommodation of minors
Iliaktida, in collaboration with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and UNICEF, set the aspiration that no unaccompanied child should stay in Moria’s detention center.
Thus, 9 accommodation facilities for unaccompanied – asylum-seeking minors were created (8 for boys, 1 for girls) and in the fall of 2016, unaccompanied minors vacated Moria.

Under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), Iliaktida continues the effort to minimize the time spent by unaccompanied minors in the Reception and Identification Center (RIC) of Lesvos.
Accommodation places
Accommodation facilities
4 for boys, 2 for girls
Children hosted
Since April 2016
Since 15/01/2021, Iliaktida, under the fund of the National Programme ΤΑΜΕ, houses 16 year-old unaccompanied minors in supervised apartments, providing health care, psychosocial and legal advice, education and vocational guidance, practicing cleanliness, etc.
Accommodation places
Accommodation supervised facilities
Children hosted
since January 2021
Asylum, migration & Integration fund 2014 - 2020, Action co-funded by EU

accommodation centers for unaccompanied asylum seekers
Since 2018 to this day, ILIAKTIDA provides 80 unaccompanied minors –refugees and applicants of asylum– with sheltered accommodation spaces within the Reception and Identification Center (RIC) of Lesvos, called "Safe Area".

Today, in the framework of the project "ΜΕRΙΜΝΑ – Safeguarding children at Greek border points", funded by DG HOME and implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the benefiters receive psychological and social assistance, participate in sports, educational and recreational activities, as well as they benefit from medical care.
The program’s objective is the utter support and empowerment of the unaccompanied minors, taking into consideration their distinct needs, abilities and skills, with the ultimate aim of autonomy of the beneficiaries and their gradual social integration.
Accommodation places
Safe area accommodation
in the R.I.C
Children hosted
since January 2018
The project is funded by DG HOME and implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM)

support of social & solidarity economy
Since April 2019, KALOTROPIO provided support and consulting services to existing bodies of Social and Solidarity Economy (a.k.a. KALO), as well as to persons, who were interested in the establishment of a KALO body.
Iliaktida implemented the program for 30 months – the latter was completed on September 30, 2021
More than
Social Enterprises / Companies
received support services
More than
Publicity actions

child and family support hub
TAPUAT is a child and family support hub for refugee and migrant women and children residing in the Reception and Identification Center (RIC) of Lesvos.
Intended for children and mothers, TAPUAT was appropriately designed to provide a safe, pleasant and accessible environment for them, at which they are able to play, rest, take delight in some respite from the unremitting reality of RIC, as well as be offered a comprehensive set of psychosocial services provided by Iliaktida

non-formal educational center
"Kalimera Athina", a non-formal educational center, which currently operates with unaccompanied refugees and asylum-seeking minors that are accommodated at Iliaktida’s facilities, has been in business since September 2019.
The young participants take language courses (both Greek and English), as well as they are taught mathematics and geography.
Furthermore, in the center are conducted educational activities for children with disabilities with the support of a speech therapist, as well as Greek language certification preparation tuitions.
In the past, "Kalimera Athina" supported scholastically refugee and asylum-seeking families with Greek courses, including first writing classes and innovative activities.
The program is implemented by KAtastrophe auf lesbos LIndern : hilfe für MEnschen am RAnde (KALI:MERA)

social integration of People with Disabilities and vulnerable groups
Iliaktida continues to support local people with disabilities and of social vulnerability throughout their efforts for social integration, for the prevention of racism – especially due to the latest focus on refugee and immigrant populations.